Mianhae ~ No ripping allowed!

............ This Girl, This Love............

Sunday, November 28, 2010 '
VOTE for KissBabyJaye [me] in the MBC Star Audition

I'm joining for the MBC Star Audition and I'm relying on you guys to vote for me starting from the 28TH OF NOV until the 3RD OF DEC ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFLUtYctWfE

Check the page below and follow the instructions below ~

1. Click "GALLERY"
2. Choose [OTHERS] for country.
3. Choose [R&B] for genre.
4. Choose [MBC] for tags.
5. Choose [VIEWS] for sort.
6. Find me at the first page, the last video of the 3rd row, or juz scroll your mouse and check for the name [KissBabyJaye].


You could vote for me once everyday ~ (please do so X3)
Please tell all your friends about it and ask them to vote for me too ...
Really apprieciate that ... XD
Thanks alot ~ ^^


Thursday, November 25, 2010 '
To my Baby Dwaejee [one last time, I promise]
We started on the 16th of July.
One silly contest you've played on facebook,
that've brought me and you together ...

During those days,
you're the first person I wanted to see online,
and the last I've wanted to see to leave.

I've been happy to see you there,
and a little disappointed when you're not.
I understand though, that you're really busy all along.

People keep telling me that you're a faker,
but I don't care.
All I know that is you said you're real,
and that's what I'll believe,
no matter what the others say.

Days passed,
we've had our first, second, third monthsary ...
Even though you'd be late to greet me,
nevertheless, you remembered,
and I'm happy just for that.

100 days' anniversary ...
It occurs on the 23rd of October.
I'd prepared a special surprise for you ...
A drawing of you and me,
based on your dream,
and I was glad that you liked it ...

Our relationship lasts for 132 days.
Today is the day we broke up ...
I wouldn't say that you broke up with me,
because you didn't want it to happen,
or at least you told me so.

Your guardian came up and said that you're still young for a relationship,
and you're too busy with everything.
He was sorry that he had to interfare with this,
and stated that we could still be friends after this ...

I don't know if we could still be friends,
I don't know if you'd wanted to,
or maybe it'll be better if I fade away from your life,
stand in a corner watching you from afar.

I could do nothing,
only to sit back and let the tears fall.
I've known this would happen sooner or later,
but I've been denying it, all along,
not wanting to face the reality,
hoping that this wonderful dream would never end ...

But now the reality jumps in,
and I'm left to face the truth.
I just wanna say that,
in all these days,
I never regretted being with you,
I'm happy and thanks for everything.

I don't blame you for everything,
we're just not meant to be,
and I understand.

I'll never forget the relationship we've had,
and 25th of November, where it all ended.
I'm just sad that I can never call you my Baby Dwaejee again ...

I hope that we could still be friends after this,
or if not, well, it's okay ...
I'm sending this in for you,
just to let you know that I apprieciated everything.
Thank you.

Wishing you the best in everything,


Tuesday, November 23, 2010 '

























Tuesday, November 16, 2010 '
Holidays? It is NOW.
the end of Form 3 schooldays,
the beginning of year end holidays,
the day I've been waiting for.
And why is that I'm not happy at all??

Is gonna miss all my frenz in K3E.
Well, not all.
And Alison's gotta fly to Aussie soon,
so there would be no next time for us to meet again,

Even though I disliked her,
well, she's still one of my friend,
or at least she was, anyway.
And I wish her the best of luck starting a new life in Aussie,
stop being so annoying, and do well in her studies. ^^

holidays starts from today eh?
What to do, what to do ...
Would probably just stick around in the house,
watching dramas, movies, and downloading songs ...
What can I do?
Nothing much, to be exact.

Luckily, I was tied down by my computer ...
Watching the Korean drama Mary Stayed Out All Night ( starring Moon Geun Young & Jang Geun Suk) ,
and the Japanese movie Bandage (starring Akanishi Jin),
love both shows sooooooo much ~ ♥

Not to mention,
a whole stack of books for me to chew on ...
5 borrowed from a friend of mine (aka Celine Wu),
and 3 more from the school library ... :DD
these would probably keep me busy about for the first few weeks ... :3

And lastly,
I'm gonna spend the rest of my November promoting my audition video ...
No, not AuditionSEA.
It's MBC Star Audition.
Is singing the english version of In Your Hands by Kevin Woo of U-KISS ...
(the song was from his Xing times, though :3)
I really really hoped that I could at least have a chance to get into the 500,
50 is even better, but oh well.

Seems like no one is helping me to promote anything anywhere ...
He's not really helping, at all.
Tsk tsk, so far for helping to promote his band when he needs it. =P
Could only hoped that on the voting time,
I could somehow gain some supporters to vote for me. X3

it's about time I stopped this mumblings.
Adios, chingu ~

Signing out and over,
Baby-Jaye ♥


Thursday, November 11, 2010 '
Happy 빼빼로 Day

11/11 빼빼로데이~!

It's Pepero Day today in Korea ~
You give a Peppero stick snack to your loved one ~ ^^

 Pepero Day is an observance in South Korea similar to Valentine's Day.
It is named after the Korean snack Pepero and held on November 11,
since the date "11/11" resembles four sticks of Pepero.
The holiday is observed mostly by young people and couples,
who exchange Pepero sticks, other candies, and romantic gifts.

Anyone wanna buy me some Pepero today?? X33

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Friday, November 5, 2010 '
Happy 800th Day Anniversary U-KISS!

유키스 800 일!!!!!
행복 800 하루 주년!!!!!

Let's trend #800thkisses on Twitter and make this day a memorable one worldwide!

2 years, 26 months, 114 weeks, 800 beautiful kiss filled days.
We hope for more, U-KISS.
Love you Love you Love you ♥

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Thursday, November 4, 2010 '
传说没有安全感的孩子会 ...
传说没有安全感的孩子会 ...

1. 会爱音乐,非常非常爱­
2. 怕黑,却习惯晚睡
3. 隐藏真正的心事
4. 喜欢有口袋的衣服,否则会不知道手放在哪里
5 .习惯抱臂习惯冷战

6. 会突然不知所措
7. 喜欢窗户,喜欢角落,喜欢蜷缩
8. 喜欢写字和阅读
9. 莫名的孤单,无法抗拒的恐惧感
10. 不爱说话或很爱说话

11. 心事放在心里最温柔的地方,有一个自己的世界­
12. 自信的面对他人,因为怕别人看见自己的脆弱
13. 神经非常敏感,总是多愁善感­
14. 心地善良,乐于帮助他人,同情弱小­
15. 有几个可以交心的朋友,而且他们很可能会成为一辈子的朋友­

16. 哭的时候被别人看见的话,会极力的掩饰­
17. 会很在乎或者很无所谓
18. 会舍不得自己难过,却无法改变­
19. 会希望很骄傲地活着­
20. 会突然难过很久很久,又突然没心没肺地笑­


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 '
In Your Hands
In Your Hands

Kevin Woo

Where are you,
I miss you,
I can't get you out of my mind,
I never imagined a day here all by myself.

I'll always be waiting.
Girl, you are the only one for me,
'cause baby,
you make my life complete.

I was alone,
'til you came in my life.
Without you babe,
it's so hard,
'cause I need you here by my side.
And you are,
my everything.
There's no one that could take your place.
Come to me.
The only thing I want this winter is you.

I would do anything,
to hear your voice and always be with you.
You are the one that fills me up with joyfullness.
I gave my heart to you 'cause you are my lovely melody.
We are one.
You are like a dream come true.

I was alone,
'til you came in my life.
Without you babe,
it's so hard,
'cause I need you here by my side.
And you are,
my everything.
There's no one that could take your place.
Come to me.
The only thing I want this winter is you.

Thanks to you for always being there.
For you ...
Promise me that you'll be with me.
You're the only one that I will cherish all my life ...

I was alone,
'til you came in my life.
Without you babe,
it's so hard,
'cause I need you here by my side.
And you are,
my everything.
There's no one that could take your place.
Come to me.
The only thing I want this winter,
is you.

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Love Letters

I My Me Mine

Choi Jungmin aka Baby-Jaye
Born in the 10th May 1995
Click to my website!
"Sorry, I'm taken."
I’m actually single but my heart is TAKEN
by a korean male celebrity(s).
Proud to be a verified KISSME
a part-time VIP, JWALKER etc ...
Life sucks without KPOP music.

Latest updates:
  • Ice creams!
  • Good results
  • Plushies!
  • U-KISS ♥
  • Be loved
  • Everlasting true love

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