Mianhae ~ No ripping allowed!

............ This Girl, This Love............

Thursday, January 20, 2011 '
Year of 2011
It's been a long time since I've posted something ...
Gonna get back here more when I'm free ...ㅋㅋㅋ

It has been 2 weeks and 4 days since school reopened,
been busy busy busy with school ...
Homeworks made my head goes round and round ~
빙글빙글 빙글빙글 ~ @@

Now my daily routine involves wake up, bathe, eat, school, homeworks, tuition, bed;
and when the weekends come, I found nothing else to do except to stick on this pc ...
Sounds boring, huh? It is. ==
Well, this is the life of a ordinary student after all.

I'm still waiting for you to return ...
I missed talking to you, juz by having your presence here comforts me ...
And I just realized that 3 months is an awful lot of time ...
보고십타 ~

Oh well, is counting off the weeks every single day ...
Hoping for the new year to come on quickly,
disregarding the stupid text we'd have after the holz ... =PP

Got to go now, ttyl ~ :DD


Love Letters

I My Me Mine

Choi Jungmin aka Baby-Jaye
Born in the 10th May 1995
Click to my website!
"Sorry, I'm taken."
I’m actually single but my heart is TAKEN
by a korean male celebrity(s).
Proud to be a verified KISSME
a part-time VIP, JWALKER etc ...
Life sucks without KPOP music.

Latest updates:
  • Ice creams!
  • Good results
  • Plushies!
  • U-KISS ♥
  • Be loved
  • Everlasting true love

  • Beloved

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