Mianhae ~ No ripping allowed!

............ This Girl, This Love............

Saturday, April 30, 2011 '
Something Someone Asked :DD
Honestly, I've never thought about this before.
What do I like about you?
So tempted to reply 'I don't know' ...
But then there was this attraction thingy ...
That makes me feel attracted to you.
[crappy opening, I noe XD]

Now let's not be in such a serious mood okay?
As far as I know that, I don't really bother much about the looks.
No, don't get me wrong.
I do look at the appearance, but just not that picky.
Let's just say, unlike my sis, who is practically one of the 外貌俱乐部 members ... XD
I just don't really look at that as something really important.
It is important, but not that important to me, if you get what I mean.
Of course I would like to have a good looking bf, like any other girls, so that we could take lots of photos together etc etc ...
But then, if looks is the most important thing in a relationship, that wouldn't be a relationship at all to me.

As for the body, I'm not really a fan of body builders.
And yes, so unlike my sis too, who admired Soohyun's abs so much ... ==
I'm probably one of those who'd look at someone's toned muscle and probably wouldn't have any reaction at all.
Plus, what I wanted is someone who is able to love n protect me, not necessarily with big muscles n stuffs ...
So even if my future partner had a great body, so what?
That doesn't mean anything to me, if that guy doesn't love me more than he love his own body. =P

This may looks abit weird, but for now, I'm not worried about money.
So I'll not be going after anyone's money ... ^^

The reason I like this someone is because,
he's good to me, he cares about me, he made me feel that I'm needed/wanted n not that I'm useless among everyone else, he gives me advices n comforts me when I'm sad or discouraged, he prayed for me, he made me feel that I'm loved, and I'm really comfortable talking to him.
And I really liked caring bout this guy, when he's sick, when he's tired, or when he's sad.
That made me felt like I wanna protect him from harm too ... XD

He's the first ever guy that I've been this close to for like, in 16 years.
I'd never thought of knowing him more when I met him for the first time, which was like, 3-4 years ago?
I never recalled talking to him for the first time, when my cousin brought me to the place.
Coz I never liked talking to older people, it makes me feel left out from their conversations.
But somehow we just clicked together, and I liked the fact that we do. ^^

I don't know if I was just doing things one-sidedly or not.
Maybe he doesn't likes me.
Maybe he thinks that I'm annoying.
Maybe he hates to talk to me.
I don't know. I don't care.
But the fact that he's still in contact with me proves that all of my 'maybes' are probably wrong.
Doesn't matter the outcome, God puts him in my life to play a role, and that I'll cherish it with my heart.

In short, the reason I like you is because you're you. ^^

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Come to think about it, I was never the centered one.
Not in class.
Not in church.
Not among friends.

We talked about it, and agreed about it.
Me n my sis, are and will never be, the spotlight of others.
The wallflower? Maybe.
The backdrop? Most probably.
But never the flower. The big, red flower that attracts everyone else.

Sometimes I just wish that I can be like others.
Bright. Pretty. Great sense of humour.
But then, I'm just me.
Same old me.
So what can I say more?

Not being bitter, but this is what I feel like rite now.
Couldn't help it though. This is what makes me me.
Accept it, or reject me.


Sunday, April 24, 2011 '
You know, being a girl, I liked some attention too.
It doesn't have to be from everyone (I am not that conceited okay)
I'm okay with juz some slight attention from maybe a certain someone(s) ...
I don't ask for much rite?

The truth is,
I find that people would unintentionally ignore me when it comes to speaking : me.
Well ... I'm not much of a people person, so that wasn't unusual.
To be quite frank, I'm already used to this kind of 'unfair' treatment since I forgot when.
So that doesn't really bother me much. Liar.

I liked being immersed into my own world.
Imagining that I'm one's girlfriend ... being in love happily ...
(that involves an awful lot of imagination and of course, Kpop stars)
I could be quite happy with that ... :DD
But then, reality is always harsh.
I'm not anyone's gf. Nor that I knew of someone who's famous.
(like hell I would =P)

So basically, daydream n boredom pretty much ruled out my daily life.
Well, what can I do?
Cling on a person and tell him/her that I wanted your attention much?
Meh. How can I do that?!
That is so not me. ==


Saturday, April 23, 2011 '
Birthday Wishlist (that never comes true)
So to say, that my birthday's coming near soon.
And that this is my bday wishlist that I'd usually prepare every year.
And to say that every year, there's not one who ever come true.
(except for those which I bought myself ==)

Which I can sadly say that,
I'm not as popular as some of the other people out there.
To find that every year, no one really cares about your birthday or so.

No matter if it came true or not, I'll juz continue to do this my birthday for every year.
It makes me happy. That matters the most.
My Sweet 16 Birthday Wishlist

1. Piro Piro / Siro Siro plushie

Jungmin says :
"I wanted a Piro Piro neck cushion (top right), or a Siro Siro shoulder rest (bottom left),
sooooooo much ~"

Piro Piro = Brown bear thingy
Siro Siro = White fox thingy

Recently I juz found out that these can be found in QUEENSBAY MALL!
[2nd floor - TheRoom (in one of the box - K-art)]
All the stuffs must be pre-ordered though ...
Sooooooo wanted to buy it ~ ♥

2. 'Matched' by Ally Condie

Jungmin says :
"It looks nice, sounds nice, and I got the feeling that it's gotta be a great book to read!"

Randomly found this book's website when I looked through the web some day.
It totally attracted me on the first glance ~
Went through all the hassle just to find an excerpt to read from,
and I'm glad to say that I liked it so far ...
It can be found in QB Borders' and GP Popular store.
It's a hard cover book and that's why the book is sooooooo freakin expansive!
RM54.90 arr ... -sighs- ><
3. U-KISS First Kiss Concert DVD

Jungmin says :
"This probably will be the most unlikely thing anyone would buy for me as a birthday present (except for my dad, IF I really beg for it) ..."

I've never bought a U-KISS concert DVD before,
(like duh, this is their first concert DVD ever)
so I really wanted it ...
I doesn't really stand a chance to get it though, obviously.
But then I'll keep hoping that one day, I could have it.
Somehow. ^^


p/s :

Sorry for my use of language, but
I'm not being an obnoxious bitch and 'pretending' to write out my wishes here to ask for anyone to buy for me.
Seriously, I don't care.

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I've been really blessed today.
Went to cousin Joel's house to have a small 'gathering' with a youth who came back to visit + some other youths.
He asked us on our youth progress, and was quite surprised at the growth rate (all Glory to God!)
He also shared about the youth ministry he's currently involved in UTP Ipoh,
and the highs and lows during the 2 months (from his last visit back to Penang).

I got to learn alot from all of them ...
Really wanna thank all of them for being there ...
Joel, Elden, Kar Mei, Mandy, Eunice and Sue Fern
And for the rest who aren't there? I wish they could come too ...
Coz I learned alot! XDD

And I'm really EXCITED bout the new plans for our youth ministry!
I'm so really glad to be in a part of it! To be an army of God ~ XDD
Is really glad that God had never forsaken us throughout the whole time ...
I'll be a good girl to do my very best for the Lord from now onwards!

To those Christians out there, plz keep me in your prayer.
I trust that I can grow beautifully in the Lord spiritually and physically as time goes by ...
Coz I have FAITH in the Lord! (Yay! XDD)

And hopefully, really praying for this, that I could attend TOG WGC's Youth Reconstruction Day on the 1st of May ...
(it's the "Rise of the Radicalists", as corrected by someone XD)
Really really wanna attend that soooooooo much! X3
Partly is to see all my friends there, and partly is that ...
I really wanna pinjam use Jieli's cam so badly ...
Kakaz ~ XDD

p/s : Li if you see this anyhow plz borrow me your cam if I can make it on that day ... XDD


Tuesday, April 19, 2011 '

—— 郑愁予

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Love Letters

I My Me Mine

Choi Jungmin aka Baby-Jaye
Born in the 10th May 1995
Click to my website!
"Sorry, I'm taken."
I’m actually single but my heart is TAKEN
by a korean male celebrity(s).
Proud to be a verified KISSME
a part-time VIP, JWALKER etc ...
Life sucks without KPOP music.

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