Mianhae ~ No ripping allowed!

............ This Girl, This Love............

Saturday, October 30, 2010 '
Baby Dwaejee

Really miss my baby much.
When can I ever get to communicate with him again??

Signing out and over,
Baby-Jaye ♥


Saturday, October 23, 2010 '
Support Past.Motion !!!
The past has ended, the future is yet to come.

Let's put our hands together and congratz Past.Motion for entering into the finals of the Battle of the Bands ~
Woots ~~~

... Wait!
What's Past.Motion?
What's Battle of the Bands??

Well, check it out by clicking on the links provided ~ X33
(the red words are the links ~)
Bet you would be interested ... XDD

Click to LIKE their official Facebook page.

Support them by turning up at the finals and cheer for them as they perform ~
You won't even regret it if u lost your voice shouting for them ...
Coz their performance would be the BEST among all ... XDD

Event : Battle of the Bands [FINAL]
Date : 29th October 2010 (Friday)
Time : 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Venue : St.Georges Girls School Hall

Ohh, bring along all your frenz there too!!!
The more the merrier ~
(bring lots of whistle too ~
coz we're gonna partyyy ~ XDD)

pasT.moTion -- "movement beyond in time"

Music For The Glory of God


Sunday, October 17, 2010 '








其实 ...


陪他做一只蘑菇 ...



Tuesday, October 5, 2010 '
The Name I Loved
Onew ft Kim Yeon Woo

손이 시려와
사랑의 기억이 차갑게 다가와 아려온다
이제는 더이상
너를 부정하고 싶지 않은 나를 알고 있지만
가까이 있는 널
사랑할 수 없는 걸 알고 있기에
날 바라볼 수 없는
널 기다림이 너무 힘들어
이젠 견딜 수 없어
이뤄질 수 없기에

내가 사랑했던 그 이름
불러 보려 나갈 수 록 너무 멀어졌던
그 이름 이제 적어놓고 난 울먹여
내 안에 숨고 싶어져
널 사랑할 수 밖에 없었던
그 날을 이젠 알아줘요
이룰 수 없는 사랑도 사랑 이니까

혼자 할 수 없는
사랑이란 느낌은 내게 다가와
시작 할 수도 없는
그리움들은 커져만 가고
시린 가슴 한 켠엔
너의 향기만 남아

내가 사랑했던 그 이름
불러 보려 나갈 수 록 너무 멀어졌던
그 이름 이제 적어놓고 나 울먹여
내 안에 숨고 싶어져
널 사랑할 수 밖에 없었던
그 날을 이제 알아줘요
이룰 수 없는 사랑도 사랑이니까

수천 번을 돌이켜
처음에 나로 갈 순간에
가슴 한 구석을
다 앗아갈 내 모습인걸

내가 사랑했던 그 이름
(내가 사랑했던)
불러 보려 나갈 수록 너무 멀어졌던
그 이름 이제 적어놓고 나 울먹여
내 안에 숨고 싶어져
널 사랑할 수 밖에 없었던
그 날을 이제 알아줘요
기를 수 없는 사랑도 사랑 이니까

Both hands trembles
as I remembered the cold memories of love
Now it is getting weirder
I don't wish to reject you
but I just know that
no matter how close we are
I know that I can't love you anymore
I can't miss you
Waiting for you makes me tired
I can't endure anymore
and I can't realize it

The name I once loved in this life
has become further and further away from me
I am writing your name on a paper
and forever keep it in my heart
From that day I only realized that
I will only love you forever
Love that can't be together can also be known as Love

I can't handle the love memories and feelings alone
I can't start this
I can only miss you secretly in my heart
My heart only left your fragrance
that I missed and always loved

The name I once loved in this life
has become further and further away from me
I am writing your name on a paper
and forever keep it in my heart
From that day I only realized that
I will only love you forever
Love that can't be together can also be known as Love

Thousands of times remembering the first time our eyes met
and stolen an edge of my heart without me noticing

The name I once loved in this life
(Loved in this life)
has become further and further away from me
I am writing your name on a paper
and forever keep it in my heart
From that day I only realized that
I will only love you forever
Love that can't be together can also be known as Love

Labels: , , ,

Saturday, October 2, 2010 '
Break Time!!!

Happy happy ~
I'm allowed to pre-order U-KISS' 4th mini album!!!

A big big THANKS to my dad, who is willing to let me use his bank acc for the payment ...
I'll try my best in the exams and not to disappoint you ~ =D
And to our almighty God, who knows my heart's desire even though I didn't pray for it ... =P
He is forever my provider, and my shelter ... X3
Not to forget, another big THANKS to Li, for listening to my useless rants when I first thought I couldn't buy it ...
Sorry that I'm always there to bug you ... I won't do that again in the future. ^^

Hope that it'll arrive after PMR ...
I'll be crazy by then ~ :D

Labels: ,

Love Letters

I My Me Mine

Choi Jungmin aka Baby-Jaye
Born in the 10th May 1995
Click to my website!
"Sorry, I'm taken."
I’m actually single but my heart is TAKEN
by a korean male celebrity(s).
Proud to be a verified KISSME
a part-time VIP, JWALKER etc ...
Life sucks without KPOP music.

Latest updates:
  • Ice creams!
  • Good results
  • Plushies!
  • U-KISS ♥
  • Be loved
  • Everlasting true love

  • Beloved

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    최승현 TOP
    조규현 Kyuhyun
    김경재 Elison
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    Sorry if i miss out you; tag me

    Hye Min

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